Realizing Full Value

Sell my company

Corporate Fuel can help you realize full value by recognizing you may have other goals in addition to the sale price—such as protecting proprietary information, continued employment for key personnel, or maintaining the company as an ongoing business unit.


Family-owned aerospace products manufacturer


Reconcile the goals of each family member


Identified each family member’s objectives and estate considerations

Analyzed the key characteristics, strengths and management capabilities of the business as well as areas of market and product focus

Researched strategic buyers who were not penetrating the aerospace and broadcast communications markets, where client had proprietary product advantages

Analyzed a range of industry participants who could benefit from client’s competitive/market position

Minimized confidentiality risk by limiting disclosure of proprietary information only to serious buyers

Entertained 4 offers from 23 prospects

Negotiated a final transaction unchanged from original offer


Achieved over 16X reported EBITDA, with most of our pro forma savings accepted by the buyer

Realizing Full Value

Corporate Fuel helps successful businesses address the challenges of growth.

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