Realizing Full Value

Find a strategic investor

Corporate Fuel can help you realize full value by identifying a strategic partner who understands the true potential of the business and can provide capital to achieve its business goals.


Risk analytics software company


Raise capital to facilitate additional growth


Studied the capabilities and utility of the client’s software along with needs and characteristics of its client base

Developed a narrow set of criteria for focused outreach to potential targets

Considered 30 strategic prospects and engaged with 3 targets offering complementary software products

Prepared presentations and hosted management meetings

Executed LOI with a UK-based public company providing performance, attribution, risk and compliance software

Prepared a well-defined due diligence agenda and timeline

Closed the transaction less than 75 days after signing the LOI


Achieved a valuation of greater than 2x revenue, with the possibility of additional consideration through an earn-out

Realizing Full Value

Corporate Fuel helps successful businesses address the challenges of growth.

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