Realizing Full Value

Evaluate my strategic options

Corporate Fuel can help you realize full value by carefully assessing alternative scenarios for the future of your business, evaluating the pros and cons of each option, suggesting new ideas you may not have considered, and building your confidence to make a decision that optimizes your outlook for a successful long-term outcome.


Film equipment reseller and rental business


Evaluate recommendation of another advisor to sell a large equity stake in this $50 million business


Worked with stakeholders to understand their long-term goals

Refined business strategy away from capital-intensive activities toward sales, product development, training and rentals

Switched from equity to mezzanine financing, which tends to be similarly patient at half the cost of equity

Identified a variety of mezzanine investor sources

Negotiated favorable terms with a local SBIC mezzanine fund


Achieved $1.5 million in savings through the differential cost of mezzanine debt vs. equity capital

Realizing Full Value

Corporate Fuel helps successful businesses address the challenges of growth.

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