Leadership Recruiting

Putting the right leaders in place to create value

When companies get the leadership right, it can have a powerful impact on business results.

Middle market companies often need to supplement their leadership team to sustain their growth, professionalize their operations or prepare for a transition.

In the course of our advisory work, Corporate Fuel is often asked to identify and onboard key members of the executive team or new board members to support the strategic goals and execution needs of the business:

  • President/CEO
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Marketing, sales or technology executive
  • Interim executive roles
  • Board director

Our approach in reviewing any business includes establishing a strong understanding of the total organization and its leadership. Typically as part of a broader advisory relationship, we get to know the companies we serve in every dimension and develop a sense of trust.

Recognizing that senior management talent may be the most precious and hardest to locate, we follow a stringent process that is consultative, focused and confidential. Our searches draw on a reservoir of resources arising from personal relationships with accountants, bankers, attorneys and professional human capital intermediaries. We have special access to credible candidates from the start—individuals who are known and respected by the referring sources.

Succession planning

Succession and ownership transition planning are frequently the impetus for identifying new senior level talent in the businesses we serve:

  • Adding leadership talent can assure business continuity and value in the event of key leader or founder loss.
  • Adding senior talent may support the growth and development of youthful family members.
  • Adding institutional leadership eases the eventual sale of a company.
  • Adding leadership talent and retaining ownership of a business is often more economic than an outright sale of the business.

Compensation planning

We are often asked to develop compensation and incentive plans to support growth of the business, ensure continuity of key employees, and align incentives with business owners to optimize the long-term success of the enterprise. Through external surveys and other resources, we remain current with compensation and benefits best practices for all senior roles, company sizes, industries and geographic regions.

Our recruitment process


Business analysis

Every engagement begins with a thorough business analysis, assessing historical results in a competitive market review and identifying macro market conditions and attributes of high performing companies within the market.


Organization review

We review the organizational structure, strengths and weaknesses of the existing management team, and company culture.


Clarify goals

We develop an understanding of long and short-term business objectives and the requirements critical to success.


Position description

From this extensive background work, we create the position description, define roles and scope of responsibilities, and identify core traits and skills necessary for candidate success.


Evaluate candidates

We evaluate identified leadership talent against established position requirements. Pre-employment assessment tools and compatibility instruments can be utilized to create good mutual fit.


Engaged and available

During the interview process, we are engaged and involved—available to discuss and assess the candidates with hiring managers.



We are committed to ensuring a productive candidate integration. After a candidate begins working, we follow up to review performance and manage any issues that may arise

Broad industry coverage

Corporate Fuel has completed transactions for a wide range of industrial, consumer, professional and service businesses.

See our leadership recruiting experience

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