The latest from Corporate Fuel

How to assess Strategic Alternatives and minimize risks

We often find clients scratching their heads about the future…whether to sell their business, make a tactical acquisition of a business or talented industry producer, raise additional capital or take a long vacation. It’s not so easy, nor are the alternatives always obvious.

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Industry News

A review of diligence material and readiness assessment is often key to a financing or sale process

Raising capital as well as mergers and acquisitions are resource intensive projects and are often distracting from the normal operating activities involved in running a business. While these projects can have great positive effects on a business, they can also be hugely disruptive and unproductive if you don’t take care to make sure that you are really prepared and ready to go down this road.

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Industry News

Transaction Structure is as important as valuation

Many business owners, when planning for a business exit, develop a sense for the value of their business through their own industry research. We have come to learn that just as important as business value is the transaction structure. That is, how much cash is exchanged at closing, and if not 100% of the transaction value, what risks exist for the seller in receiving the balance of the proceeds.

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Industry News

Ensuring a Cultural Fit with New Hires

Studies have shown that employees who fit well with their organization, coworkers, and supervisor had greater job satisfaction, were more likely to remain with their company, and drove success for the business.

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From the Field

Developing a Strong Leadership Pipeline in Your Organization

An article by a Deloitte researcher suggests that companies that employ specific approaches to developing leadership talent deliver 37% more revenue per employee and are three times more likely to be market leaders than the lower performers studied.

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